Hey Bufferface! Broadband Internet Speeds in a Nutshell
I feel the need ...the need for speed!
A physical connection to broadband is a crucial aspect in gaining internet access. Having said that, broadband is provided via different technological innovations, and the category of technology is what determines the range of speeds delivered to your computing device.
Many other variables will determine the speed of your internet connection, and above all, how fast you can receive information, download files, or get emails.
Broadband Speeds by Technologies
Don't suffer from buffer face like many businesses in rural areas or 15% of UK premises who can't receive 10Mbps. Transmission Speed = Quality
Speed can define the quality of the video you are streaming, or music you are listening to. All of us have suffered from delays, i.e. waiting for a video or track to download, or viewing a movie that skips frames on your computer monitor, or shows a message telling you that your internet connection is buffering.
Buffering means that your connection cannot cope with the speed at which the video is being sent to your computer display, and therefore must temporarily collect data to play, in the same manner a printer collects data you send from your PC to print.
Corresponding to the application you are currently using, the speed of your internet connection will oftentimes determine whether it is possible to run the application smoothly. A video is not pleasantly to look at if it takes twice as normally, and stops playing every few seconds.
Having said that, how fast of a connection do you really need to perform certain tasks, or run certain programs on your computer?
There are two points to consider when measuring speed:
A) Bandwidth is the term for the size of the channel in which the data is moving.
B) Speed is the value or rate at which the data is moving.
Using that description, you can easily see that a larger bandwidth will allow for more data to travel, which will increase the rate at which it travels as well.
Conversely, this does not inevitably mean that the speed of a broadband internet connection will always or even sometimes be equal to your bandwidth. Bandwidth purely is the term for the size of the pipeline in which it is moving around.
Ofcom, the UK's telecoms regulator has launched an interactive map allowing consumers to check broadband internet speeds in your area and compare this against UK averages.
I saw this story on the BBC News and thought I'd share it:
ReplyDeleteOfcom: UK broadband coverage patchy
Mobile and broadband services continue to improve for most British people, but a wide gap still exists between the "haves" and the "have-nots", Ofcom concludes.
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